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I am on a mission to educate, inspire women to overcome health challenges (even if it seems impossible!) and step into the life of their dreams
Energetic balance is all about establishing equilibrium between two extremes. Everything lies on a sliding scale. If we think of joy vs sadness, or anger vs compassion, these are quite obvious examples. We also have fast and slow, pushing and pulling, up and down, inside and outside.
What we want to avoid in order to maintain energetic balance is to live on one end of a spectrum only. For example if you’re really feminine you may not have any drive or capacity to set boundaries. If you’re a workaholic who likes to go-go-go all the time, you may have no capacity for rest.
The same goes for dieting, as every diet needs an equal refuelling period. Every training program needs rest. Every overindulgent day of eating should be counteracted with a day of lighter eating.
This is how the body works. It pushes to one side then bounces back to the other, and over time, it starts to establish a balance. Our problem, and where we go wrong here, is we use our minds to determine what that balance should look like.
An example is a modern-day city woman. She must have;
We must cook healthy meals, stay on top of the kids’ homework, be emotionally available to them, keep them off screens, remember all their friends’ names, work 40+ hours per week, and you get the picture.
I am asked all the time why I don’t have kids. Or another question is when am I going to compete again? There is no way I could have built this business whilst having kids, healing my health issues, and the like. There is no way I can be present for my clients if I am continually competing, either. There is only so much time in the day and something has to give! So, that’s where balance comes in.
So when we strive for everything, what falls away? Our health and our happiness. Our self-care and our relaxation. You will have noticed these are not things we need to strive to have. But funnily enough, these are those things that bring about balance, and without balance, health is impossible.
What is pushed too far down one end will eventually snap back.
The key is to find out what of those things are important to you, and to forget about the rest. If you don’t want an electric car, don’t get one. If you’re happy in a 3 bedroom house, this is fine for you. If you want to work part-time to be more available to your kids, perfect. Do it.
Another balance I highlight a lot with my clients pertains to how they look. They want to have a great body, but they don’t want to live the lifestyle that one with a great body would live. They might have the kind of genetics that means they have to work a thousand times harder to get the body they want.
So I ask them, how do you want to live? And I teach them to achieve the best they can, without sacrificing their happiness in the long run .
For me, to be lean my life needs to revolve around it. I would have no time or energy to make content, coach my clients or do anything creative. It drains my energy to be that lean, and look that good. I like it, but I like to live with balance more.
Some women live very balanced lifestyles and have fantastic physiques, but this is just the luck of the draw on their end. They won the genetic lottery. You might not have.
I believe health is important, and health is what we should all strive for above all else as when we are healthy, everything else falls into place. Nothing is quite as hard when you feel at home in your body.
So that’s energetic balance.
Those are the kinds of questions you want to ask yourself.
If you’re interested in this kind of information, my self-coaching program Mindset Mastery is packed with both practical and energetic tips on cultivating a success mindset!
Hope this post has brought the right information to you, at just the right time!
Jen x