Tips and tricks for health seekers and holistic wellbeing warriors!

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Wildly Strong Blog

Women get results in the gym

Why is it so har for Women in sports, and how can women get results in the gym as easily as men do? In order to answer that, we need to look at the problem – posture. Posture is rarely considered when training in the gym, or doing a particular sport. It is also not […]

How Can Women Get Results in the Gym as Easily as Men Do?

Simple Nutrition Tips

Over the past 10 years of coaching women in weight loss and body transformation, I see the same mistakes being made over and over again. In todays post you’ll find 5 simple nutrition tips, each fundamental principles that can’t be avoided if you want long-lasting results. You may have never heard of them, as in […]

Simple Nutrition Tips for Long-Lasting Results


Losing weight is generally not that hard. If you’re disciplined, you will burn fat. But, how do you keep it off? That’s where the problems come in. We often hear the term ‘all diets fail’, or ‘diets don’t work’. Diets do work, it’s our approach that is the problem, often learning on quick fix solutions and trying to […]

How to Burn Fat (and Keep it Off)


Will I Be Happier if I Lose Weight? Does losing weight make you happier? That’s the ultimate question, isn’t it!? Most people get into the body transformation game with one idea in mind –  “The perfect body will make me happy”.  Is this true though?  NO!  And in this post I am going to cover […]

Does Losing Weight Make You Happier?


Dieting can be hard work! But there are lots of things you can do to make it easier for yourself. In this post I am sharing 13 things that make dieting, or a fat loss diet, easier.  No matter what your body goals are, you need to enjoy your food and lifestyle enough to keep […]

Helpful Food Additions for a Successful Fat Loss Diet


There are a million reasons why you should build muscle as a woman, including;  So with that being said let’s go deep into how you build muscle. Let’s start with what you should do;  And what you shouldn’t; In this article we are going to cover;  If you’re keen on video content, here is the video version of […]

How to Build Muscle for Women (Optimal Health and Body Composition)


If your focus is to lose weight, I have news for you – you need to optimise your metabolism. So let’s start there.  Metabolism as it pertains to body composition refers to the amount of calories or kilojoules we require on a daily basis to carry out basic functions. We all have a baseline metabolism, which us […]

Why Women Struggle to Lose Weight (and Hint – it’s Not What you Think)


Jen is truly a beautiful soul! I initially got into health and fitness for the same reason most teenage girls do, to look good. After starting my journey focused purely on the physical, I learned that true health and fitness is about way more than what you look like. It’s about how it makes you […]

“True Health & Fitness Is About More Than What You Look Like” – Jess’s Testimonial

lina's transformation story

I began my health and fitness journey as I wanted to get fit, and I was looking for a way to manage the symptoms of a chronic stomach condition. I often got painful symptoms and my weight would fluctuate between healthy and underweight, so I felt like I could never keep my body in good […]

“My whole journey has been amazing,” Lina’s Story


I first got into health and fitness as a teenager when I wanted to gain strength and muscle. I was competing in BMX racing at the time against other girls who were much bigger and stronger than me. After I stopped racing BMX I put on a lot of weight and was sick all the […]

“I Gained So Much Confidence In Myself” – Natalie’s Story


Fat or sugar, which is worse for weight loss? in 2014-15, statistics showed that 63.4% of Australians were overweight or obese, so is it sugar or fat that is causing it? Both have been demonised in the past, but this is an interesting experiment! Two men, identical twins, went on opposite diets for one month. […]

Sugar vs. Fat – Which Impacts Weight Loss the Most?

If we were to leave it up to society to solve the issue, we would conclude that you’re just one restrictive diet, gruelling exercise routine or magic pill away from the body and life of your dreams. It’s ‘mind over matter’, and your health problems are here to stay, right?

Wrong. You are a creator, and you have the power to change your circumstances if you choose to. You just need the right tools (that’s where I come in).

With professional training in nutrition, strength, naturopathy, subconscious reprogramming and energy work, my coaching practice draws from over 20-years of hands-on experience to bring one-of-a-kind solutions to magical women like you. It's my obsession, and I love that you're here and I hope you can trust me to support you!

I believe that health is something we are all gifted with, if we only had the right tools to harness it... 

Hi, I'm Jen. 

Download the 15-part Vital health video series to unpack nutrition, mind, emotion and movement today

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