Louie Simmons was one of the most well-respected strength experts in the gym world. He passed away a few years ago but his legacy remains, as does the equipment and exercises he invested to support men in becoming the strongest they could possibly be – but his philosophy can be used to build strength for […]
What is the posterior chain? Not many women ask me this, but it’s the cornerstone of my coaching philosophy. The posterior chain is a group of muscles that make up the back (posterior) portion of the body structure. They include the back, glutes, and hamstring muscles. The abdominals (mostly the inner portion) tie this chain […]
If pre-menstrual syndrome (PMS) is a familiar hell for you, have you ever watched your lifestyle habits during that period? In this article you will find tips on how to reduce PMS symptoms, with food, drink, and stress reduction. if you want to reduce PMS symptoms, you need to take care of your gut. When […]
There are so many back exercises available to us today, each with the promise of giving us that X-frame – a wider back and shoulders which makes our waist look narrower, creating an amazingly feminine physique. Modern-day gym goers do some pretty weird exercises – single arm pulleys, backward looking rows, and other exercises I […]
Unrealistic expectations lie at the bottom of most failed goal realisations, so, we require realistic expectations if we are to succeed in anything. There are three things things we may get stuck on when it comes to this; For a goal to be reached it really needs to be something we believe we can achieve […]
So I saw a post on Facebook the other day questioning whether trainers should have a six-pack before offering any kind of health/fitness advice. Is a 6-pack needed for a personal trainer to be good? I thought it funny at first, but then one of my clients who is almost qualified as a personal trainer […]
Being in the body transformation and weight loss space, I am asked this all the time – does fruit make you fat? NO! Is the simple answer, and in this article we are going to explore it a little further. Whilst fruit does contain sugar, it also contains essential nutrients that your body needs in […]
How long does it take when building muscle as a female? Most women don’t understand what it really takes to change their bodies, and what is actually possible for a natural athlete. .With all the performance-enhancing drugs being used by women in the fitness space these days, it’s easy to get confused about what is […]
I was interviewed by journalist Anja De Rozario from the Canberra Weekly following my Telstra Awards win – she was so lovely! She showed a real interest in my business and when I read the article I felt she really captured my story and my business objectives really well, so I thought to share it […]
Achieving amazing health requires a certain level of self-education, otherwise we are victims of corporate agendas and philosophies that may not suit our evolution as individuals who want to live healthy and happy lives. You don’t need to be special to recognise this. Luckily in this day and age, we have access to amazing resources […]
If we were to leave it up to society to solve the issue, we would conclude that you’re just one restrictive diet, gruelling exercise routine or magic pill away from the body and life of your dreams. It’s ‘mind over matter’, and your health problems are here to stay, right?
Wrong. You are a creator, and you have the power to change your circumstances if you choose to. You just need the right tools (that’s where I come in).
With professional training in nutrition, strength, naturopathy, subconscious reprogramming and energy work, my coaching practice draws from over 20-years of hands-on experience to bring one-of-a-kind solutions to magical women like you. It's my obsession, and I love that you're here and I hope you can trust me to support you!