Tips and tricks for health seekers and holistic wellbeing warriors!

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Wildly Strong Blog


Stress is a natural response to challenging situations, but when it becomes chronic, it can have pretty serious effects on the body. One of the most significant ways stress manifests physically is through pain – tension headaches, back pain, or muscle stiffness, stress and pain often form a cycle that feeds into itself, making it […]

Stress and Pain: Their Connection and How to Break the Cycle


Reiki is a form of energy healing, involving the transfer of universal energy from the practitioner to the patient through hands-on or hands-off techniques. Reiki healing aims to balance the body’s energy, promoting physical, mental, and emotional well-being. In this article, we will dive into the benefits of Reiki and its impact on overall health.  […]

How Reiki Healing Can Help you Unlock Your Most Magical Self


Back in 2017 I attended a presentation by Eckhart Tolle (author of A New Earth, and The Power of Now) on his philosophy to holistic health and healing. Alongside Eckhart was his wife, Kim Eng. She was taking a yoga class before the presentation.  I was not at all interested in Yoga, but as soon […]

‘Be Like Bamboo’ – A Fresh Perspective on Holistic Health and Healing


It was, in fact, a shamanic philosophy that inspired my healing journey about 15 years ago. It took me a while to pull it all together, but this was the ‘spark’ so-to-speak. Did you know… It takes 7 years to make a Shaman?  Probably more of a lifetime, but 7 official years is how long […]

The Fascinating Shamanic Philosophy that Inspired My Healing Journey


I went on a healing journey which lasted more than 10 years, and along the way I heard the most beautiful philosophies, which each inspired the continuation of self-healing work, despite countless obstacles I met along the way. The first was how to reveal the shining diamond within you. It came right in the beginning, around […]

How to Reveal the Shining Diamond Within You

foods for a healthy mind and body

Step into a healthy mind and body with these 11 foods. In order to achieve a healthy mind and body, you need to really pay attention to what you eat. I started uncovering its importance in my 20’s, as my mental health deteriorated (I had a few mental health-related diagnosis) and I noticed when I […]

11 Nutrient-Packed Foods For a Healthy Mind and Body

increase fertility

Yes, you can increase fertility with better food choices. Nutrition plays an important role in the health of every system in the human body, including reproductive health, so you absolutely can increase fertility with better food choices. In fact, no body system is exempt from the effects of a poor diet. The foods we consume […]

Can I Increase Fertility with Better Food Choices?

Mental health

Mental health is a touchy subject, a little taboo, but it’s also the most important thing to work on – without a healthy mind, your quality of life is largely impacted. Although it’s not an overnight process, there are ways you can improve your mental health holistically. A few things I want to highlight before […]

5 Proven Ways To Improve Your Mental Health, Holistically

Posterior Chain

Why you need to Build your Posterior Chain The posterior chain is a group of muscles that make up the back (posterior) portion of the body structure. They include the back, glutes, and hamstring muscles. The abdominals (mostly the inner portion) tie this chain together into one functional unit.  Most people, but especially women, have […]

Why You Need a Strong Posterior Chain if You Want to Get Strong

Women get results in the gym

Why is it so har for Women in sports, and how can women get results in the gym as easily as men do? In order to answer that, we need to look at the problem – posture. Posture is rarely considered when training in the gym, or doing a particular sport. It is also not […]

How Can Women Get Results in the Gym as Easily as Men Do?

overtraining syndrome

Are you struggling to see results in the gym, or your chosen sport? Are you constantly spinning your wheels training, dieting, training, eating, and repeating over and over, only to find yourself exhausted and knee-deep in Oreo’s wondering why you aren’t getting the results you dream so persistently of? If so, you may have signs […]

Overtraining Syndrome – How to Know When You’ve Pushed Yourself Too Far

high protein, low carb smoothie bowl

Smoothie bowls are the most delicious, refreshing sugar hit, perfect for a summer breakfast or snack. But are they good for you? How about a low carb version? When I talk about low-carb here, I don’t mean Keto. I am referring to the fact that this smoothie bowl contains at least half the amount of […]

Your New Favourite High Protein, Low Carb Smoothie Bowl

If we were to leave it up to society to solve the issue, we would conclude that you’re just one restrictive diet, gruelling exercise routine or magic pill away from the body and life of your dreams. It’s ‘mind over matter’, and your health problems are here to stay, right?

Wrong. You are a creator, and you have the power to change your circumstances if you choose to. You just need the right tools (that’s where I come in).

With professional training in nutrition, strength, naturopathy, subconscious reprogramming and energy work, my coaching practice draws from over 20-years of hands-on experience to bring one-of-a-kind solutions to magical women like you. It's my obsession, and I love that you're here and I hope you can trust me to support you!

I believe that health is something we are all gifted with, if we only had the right tools to harness it... 

Hi, I'm Jen. 

Download the 15-part Vital health video series to unpack nutrition, mind, emotion and movement today

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