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Back in 2017 I attended a presentation by Eckhart Tolle (author of A New Earth, and The Power of Now) on his philosophy to holistic health and healing. Alongside Eckhart was his wife, Kim Eng. She was taking a yoga class before the presentation.
I was not at all interested in Yoga, but as soon as I saw (and felt) her presence – I was intrigued.
Kim Eng was light, like a feather. Etheric, really. She was wearing loose white clothing and walked around the room as if floating on air.
She shared her philosophy about life, suggesting we aim to ‘become like bamboo’.
Bamboo is hollow, light, resilient, and fast-growing. It reminded me of a story my homoeopath shared with me a few years earlier, about how we are all diamonds drowning in ‘black muck’. It’s common for spiritual philosophies to overlap, sharing different contents but in the end reflecting the same truths.
Kim shared how over our lifetime, we accumulate energy that isn’t properly ‘metabolised’, and which becomes ‘stuck’ in our bodies. This energy makes us heavy, unhealthy and reactive.
When we have an experience, it enters the bamboo, reacts with the stuck material, and is repelled back out. We misperceive some messages, and are unable to take on others, because there is no room and too many old stories trapped in that bamboo. We become confused between the present and the past, what is true and what is false.
To feel whole, we want to work through the stuck energy (ancestral events, current patterns, unhealed trauma, current addictions, and poor lifestyle choices as examples), and as we do this we start to hollow out the bamboo.
From there, we become a clear channel for our own life-force without any ‘interruption’.
Are you interested in holistic health and healing? Click here to explore.
You’ll also find more about this topic on my YouTube video
Jen X