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With the rise of social media and skinny/lean women who thrive through beautiful imagery with little or no context, I want to share with you this; your ‘perfect body’ might weigh more than you think. We feel a certain number will make us happy, but most of the women I work with find that they’re happy only half way through to their goal weight.
So where does this come from?
Social media its popular influencers will have you believe that if you just;
🥬 Eat healthy
🥬 Track your macros
🥬 Quit cardio
🥬 Lift weights
…then you will be lean, have a six-pack, and bonus – if you train glutes 3 days per week you will grow a massive bum (add to that, re-wiring your subconscious so you can stay lean whilst eating anything and we have the perfect new-age combo).
A perfect body is subjective, and if this perfect body is what we have been sold, not all women can or will achieve it, no matter what they do.
The weight you were in high school or your early 20’s is likely a weight you won’t reach again. As we age our bodies change, and we need to work harder for a healthy physique. ‘Hot bodies’ are no longer easy to maintain – we have to earn it.
For me, I have trained for the most part of 25 years, tracked my food for a good 15 years of that, and I eat whole foods with the exception of a wedding or birthday party, and I look pretty ‘normal’ (see below). When I started my fitness journey I felt I would come across some kind of secret and be lean forever.
There is no secret. And even if you eat perfectly, you still might not be lean.
My staple diet consists of 6 different meals – protein pancakes, oats with protein and dark chocolate, chicken and rice, beef and potatoes with veggies/salad and some kind of egg dish. If I eat out I get avo/eggs on toast and sometimes eat a protein bar or YoPro ice-cream stick.
If I feel like heading out, I’ll share a wood-fired pizza, Grill’d burger or gelato with my partner, but this is 1-2 times per month. So my diet is pretty constrained, yet I don’t rock a six-pack.
Granted if I didn’t eat and move the way I do, I would be larger than I am. I know this because I have family members with my genetics and they didn’t look like me at age 40.
If someone does those things and are lean, it’s likely to be one of two things; good genetics, or, their lifestyle is imbalanced. They’re obsessed with their bodies. Sometimes, it’s because they’re 21! And we all know what it was like to be 21.
Another consideration is stress, as it’s a massive factor in how your body responds to diet and exercise. The more stress you’ve had throughout your life, the more stubborn your body can be. You may be holding on to weight for your protection, too.
So eat well and move more for your health, but just not to look like a fitness model. Do it to prevent obesity, but not with the expectation of getting lean. You will definitely look better than if you didn’t do them, but it won’t guarantee you a particular body look.
And, this coming from someone who would have done literally anything not to look how I look right now. So that should tell you something!
If you want to transform your body, know that you can do this with food and exercise but it takes a structured, dedicated approach. If that’s not for you, then cut yourself some slack. Your body is beautiful and it’s time you start embracing that.
Want to know more about the diet and fitness industry, and get to the root of body image challenges? Check out Beyond the Body – I’ve created this program specifically to support women in making peace with their bodies and step into the most beautiful life!
See you in the next article!
Jen X