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Whole foods are essential for amazing health.
Junk foods are not good for you, and the only way they can become okay for you is if you have a healthy constitution to begin with. Let’s face it though, in this toxic modern world, most of us don’t have a healthy constitution anymore.
How do you know if you have a healthy constitution, you ask? If you;
When the body is stressed, symptoms present. This is what a medical condition is – a cluster of symptoms the doctor pieces together to form a diagnosis. Epigenetics suggests that most of our symptoms aren’t genetic as we once thought, but more so influenced by the environment.
What is one of the most influential pieces of our environment?
And where does your body acquire its essential nutrients?
Also FOOD.
Remember that most corporations have the goal of making profit. They don’t have the goal of making people healthy. So long as you consume their ‘food’, they will continue to make it. They will also continue to take shortcuts by adding in more and more toxic ingredients, and more sugar, as they know this is what sends us crazy.
With food studies, they don’t test whole food diets on the population to compare with junk food diets, as this would negatively impact their profits. They know what they will find. They claim it is unethical to prescribe an unhealthy diet to one group and a healthy diet to the other, so in this fact alone you should see that whole foods are, in fact, healthy.
What about animal protein causing cancer?
What about dairy being inflammatory?
What about fruit having too much sugar?
What about fat ‘making you fat’?
What about lectins, aren’t they bad for your gut?
I hear you! It’s a crazy world out there. Know that no matter what they say about animal protein, sugar, fat, lectins, the real problem (as far as food is concerned) is highly processed vegetable oils, corn products, pesticide and refined sugar. But this is where the profit is, so of course they will tell you otherwise!
If you eat from nature, your body understands it, can derive essential nutrients from it, and fuel your body (and metabolism) in a way that makes sense to it.
Eat processed food on occasion, sure! But try to limit it to when you’re feeling really good. Eat it as a celebration with loved ones, or as a special treat. Try not to eat it daily.
Intentionally eat good food. When your body has all of its essential proteins and fats, and particularly if you’re eating enough food to fuel your daily activity, it won’t crave junk food as it has no need for it. Avoid the media when you make dietary decisions, trust your instincts.
If you’re interested in the topic of food and nutrition for women, I have a self-coaching program which covers absolutely all of the essentials when it comes to nutrition. You can check that out here:
I hope that’s demystified the food space for you (it’s very important!).
Jen x