Poor posture is often overlooked when it comes to training, and even more-so when it comes to body transformation. And in case you haven’t noticed, that image above is you, giving up, because you don’t have this piece of information yet. Women often start programs with body transformation goals in mind, and drop out due to […]
Potatoes are one of those foods women avoid because, well, CARBS. But, did you know you can lose weight and eat carbs at the same time? And, potatoes are good for you. Keto will tell you that potatoes make you ‘fat’. They tell you that it ‘spikes insulin’ and this mechanism directly makes you gain […]
Is it healthy to be shredded? And, what’s the cost of being lean? That’s what we are going to explore in this post! Essentially, it depends on the individual. For me, having higher body fat is more healthy, for others, rocking a 6-pack is perfectly healthy for them. It comes down to what you have […]
Does lifting weights make you bulky? This used to be a massive thing, and I believed it (but in my defence the women were massive like men back then!). Nowadays, with women flocking to pilates to avoid getting ‘bulky’, I realised this belief is back. But, it’s untrue. Any woman who lifts weights and is […]
Tracking your progress is something many do not do, however it is a powerful motivator for any goal. For this post I am focussing on body transformation, health and weight loss, but it can apply to almost anything. Tracking your progress is going to show you; So often someone goes on a diet or makes […]
”How do I grow my glutes?” Is probably the most common question I get asked, and understandably so! Building a peachy, feminine butt requires that you build strong glutes, and what’s lesser known is your glutes play the most crucial role in overall body strength – protecting your knees, lower back, hips, and ankles. But, […]
What is the posterior chain? Not many women ask me this, but it’s the cornerstone of my coaching philosophy. The posterior chain is a group of muscles that make up the back (posterior) portion of the body structure. They include the back, glutes, and hamstring muscles. The abdominals (mostly the inner portion) tie this chain […]
Being in the body transformation and weight loss space, I am asked this all the time – does fruit make you fat? NO! Is the simple answer, and in this article we are going to explore it a little further. Whilst fruit does contain sugar, it also contains essential nutrients that your body needs in […]
How long does it take when building muscle as a female? Most women don’t understand what it really takes to change their bodies, and what is actually possible for a natural athlete. .With all the performance-enhancing drugs being used by women in the fitness space these days, it’s easy to get confused about what is […]
Do you need to eat healthy to lose weight? And what does it take to get lean? First of all, you need; ◼ Discipline◼ Positive attitude◼ Patience, and◼ Healthy food (sorry ladies). I’ve attached a bunch of the kinds of meals I ate to achieve a competition-lean look. It is what most would consider ‘boring’ […]
If we were to leave it up to society to solve the issue, we would conclude that you’re just one restrictive diet, gruelling exercise routine or magic pill away from the body and life of your dreams. It’s ‘mind over matter’, and your health problems are here to stay, right?
Wrong. You are a creator, and you have the power to change your circumstances if you choose to. You just need the right tools (that’s where I come in).
With professional training in nutrition, strength, naturopathy, subconscious reprogramming and energy work, my coaching practice draws from over 20-years of hands-on experience to bring one-of-a-kind solutions to magical women like you. It's my obsession, and I love that you're here and I hope you can trust me to support you!